برنامج 1
من KryptoGuide
المرحلة الأولى
- الوقت المطلوب للمرحلة الأولى: 40 دقيقة
- مستوى الصعوبة: سهلة
إخفاء الهوية
- قم بإستخدام ويندسكرايب أولأ
Trump Trump
Some text to show in the Eleifend tab.
Vermatrix Supreme
Some text to show in the Urna tab.
Boxes of Ballots
Some text to show in the Magna tab.
The Best RSA
Some text to show in the Urna tab.
Some text to show in the Urna tab.
Some text to show in the Urna tab.
المرحلة التانية
Exploitation Challenges and writeup as following:
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
Ballot Return
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
FOX Voting Simulato
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
Old Tech
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
I Am Hilldog
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
Tetrump Ultimate
Challenge: 50 Points
A CNN reporter had only one question that she couldn't get off her mind Do we even know, who is this 4 CHAN??? So she set out to find who this 400lb hacker is. During her investigation, she came across this cryptic message on some politically incorrect forum online, can you figure out what it means?
المرحلة الأخيرة
Urna sed. Integer pellentesque odio sem donec accumsan, vel amet ultrices lobortis ac neque, diam quam lobortis enim vestibulum, ut consectetuer class interdum sit neque donec. Venenatis ullamcorper et sagittis porttitor tincidunt, rhoncus mauris sagittis, sagittis risus mi ante elit volutpat libero. Hac placerat vitae curae, voluptas quam adipiscing urna, luctus elit duis, euismod ornare nec nisl ac ac, minim dolor et metus id vel quia. Malesuada vivamus dui ut nec aliquam vel. Explicabo eget placerat auctor nam, luctus vitae sed libero urna consectetuer, nulla lacus habitasse eligendi, lorem quia, mauris nisl tortor nascetur lacus vestibulum. Varius bibendum amet sapien, pellentesque velit aliquet vitae ac maxime, posuere ipsum pellentesque nisl risus viverra dictum. Consectetuer leo sapien enim orci vel, feugiat proin orci ut commodo nullam tellus, at donec tempus dapibus, orci massa commodo lectus vel ante, interdum leo dolor elit. Lacus wisi morbi urna, pede dictum praesent mi leo. Quis ipsum metus id sit mauris ipsum. Dui elit feugiat cum cras, suscipit a imperdiet et, enim lectus inventore donec aliquet, cubilia tincidunt. Aliquam potenti vestibulum feugiat molestie.